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Ontario Tourism Region : Kawartha and Northumberland
Description From Owner:
- Pop. 204. In Hope T., Northumberland C., at the junction of C. Rds. 9 and 10, 15 km NW of Port Hope.
- The community was settled in the 1830s and fIrst known as Adam's Corners and then Waterford. The fIrst mill was built by Frank Beamish in 1861 and leased to an American firm to manufacture hats.
- The mill was destroyed by fIre but Beamish had it rebuilt and equipped to manufacture lumber and shingles. James Dyer of Orono purchased the mill in 1869 and turned it into a woollen mill.
- Dyer also opened a general store and when the post office opened in 1870, became the postmaster. Residents renamed the comm¬unity Garden Hill to avoid confusion with other places that had 'water' in their names.
- In 1886 fire destroyed the woollen mills, the general store, a stable, the telephone exchange and several homes.
- Four years later Dyer returned to Garden Hill and built a new mill. It operated successfully for a number of years but was struck by lightning and burned in 1911.
Address of this page: http://on.ruralroutes.com/gardenhill